Food Insights
An Insight is a fresh revelation about consumer behaviour that inspires business ideas.
Spotting new food trends are important, but what's more important is how we interpret these trends to unlock fresh revelations or Insights about the behaviour of consumers. It’s these harder to spot Insights that will ultimately inspire business ideas, product development pipelines, food menus and more.
NPD Direct is well positioned to support our clients with an Insight led approach to creating and delivering winning concepts that are unique and compelling.
Food Trends
We work closely with leading food trend agencies like thefoodpeople who are driven by their intent to shift the future of food and drink by harnessing the power of trends. By taking a global view we are able to understand and interpret these trends for our client’s specific needs.
Research Tools
We can provide a variety of consumer research tools, from instore intercepts and retail shop-alongs, through to moderated consumer groups to help our clients gain a deeper understanding of their end consumer. Our approach is very immersive, and two-way mirrors are strictly forbidden! Through our global foodie network we can also plan and lead successful food and retail safaris in Europe, North America and Australasia.
Co-creation workshops are a great way to help our clients distil, evaluate and agree on new product ideas and initiatives. We can plan and facilitate workshops to help our clients identify the most compelling insights and opportunity territories that will provide stimulus to stretch and inspire their future thinking, creating actionable ideas that fit with their business needs.